Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Changing a project

A few posts ago I shared my Spiral Rose project based on an applique quilt pattern. After it was finished I decided it was not what I wanted so I took it all apart and have redone the front. The back will be a different fabric.
This time I went with plain color thread as opposed to variegated, running back stitch and cotton batting with no fabric on the back. I reused the pale pink fabric for the front. I like it better and am contemplating adding some other embroidery stitches into it before attaching the back.

front - above, batting back - below
I now have computer/reading glasses. Makes a huge difference to what I can see :) Hopefully this will improve my sewing skills. Certainly helps with my needle threading ability !!!!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

To cut or not to cut - that is the question?

This is one of the pieces from my collection that I am contemplating cutting up. It has a number of stains on it that won't come out. The individual sections are very pretty and I think they would look good as a small wall hanging.

Antique table topper

I think this is really interesting. The embroidery was done on sheer fabric and when you look at the back it reminds me of trapunto.