Monday, July 6, 2009

Cirque des Carreaux - an update

I've opted for a much smaller version i.e. 28 count, 1 strand DMC #3712, 1 over 1 on Monaco (evenweave) cloth. It's approx 9"x7".
My "OC" goal over the past few days was to have all the main background "blocks" sewn by last night and I almost made it. I just have 3 left to do on the left hand side. It reminds me of the Argyll pattern you find on sweaters.
The finished project is intended for our bedroom so I am planning on picking up a couple of colors from our bedspread for the rest of the design.


  1. So delicate over one! I look forward to seeing the other color intertwined!

  2. Very interested in seeing it completed.

  3. Very nice work - coming along great!

  4. I'm also "miniaturizing" Cirque de Carreaux. Mine is going to be on 32ct luguana over one...

    Haven't yet posted a picture of it (only gotten about 10 stitches into it) but when I do it will be at

    I look forward to seeing how yours continues...

  5. Thank you ladies. All the main background stitching is now complete.

  6. It's coming along nicely. :)

  7. It's looking good, looking forward to see it completed


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