Sunday, July 5, 2009

Everything Austen Challenge

I'm doing some sampler research and ran across an interesting challenge that just started on the 1st July and runs for 6 months. Click on Miss Austin link on my sidebar and it will take you to how to do what and when to do etc. For those of you who like prizes there are some of those too :) Thanks Stephanie for coming up with the idea.

So here is my 6 item list (which is NOT all book/DVD related).

1. Visit a Jane Austen related site while vacationing in England. (We were already planning this before I found the challenge because DD #1 is a huuuuuge fan.)
2. Purchase "Jane Austen's Sewing Box" and do a project from it.
3. Do a drawing of an outfit from the Regency time period.
4. Watch Pride & Prejudice DVD ( my hubby requested we do the 2 hour one)
5. read a JA related book or novel.
6. find a blog of someone who has completed a Jane Austen sampler.

If I have time I would like to stitch a small JA sampler or design one.

I've finished one. Woohoo.
6. I found a blog (or two) :)
It is a lovely little sampler hope you all enjoy looking at it.
and another more recent finish can be found at
You have got to see what she plans on doing with her JA wall :)

And just "for fun" - I for one did not know that there are official JASNA chapters in the US.


  1. Thanks for the link. I will have to check it out.

  2. lucky you. definitely go to the JA museum. look forward to your stitcheries.


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